Yellow..Violet.. Pink.. Grey... And Blue..- These colors symbolize every course offered by Mary the Queen College.
The Golden Yellow or Yellow represents the Young Entrepreneurs Society (YES). The Junior Philippine Institute of Accountants (JPIA) is emblematizing by the color Violet. Hospitality Management Systems (HMS) is represented by Pink. Color Grey stands for the Institute of Computer Studies (ICS). And Blue emblematizes Society of Elite Education Students (SEEDS).
The question is,” Who will dominate this year’s foundation day?”
Courtesy of Papyrus |
January 26, 2016 – Marked the day for the 13th foundation day of Mary the Queen College with the theme “Continuing Unwaveringly our Commitment for Academic Excellence and Integral Formation”. The said founding anniversary will last until the 28th day of January 2016. There are array of activities planned by the Central Student Council (CSC) and Recognized Student5 Organizations (RSO) for the three- day festivity.
The first day started with a mass leaded by the Theology Department to bless the whole festivity. After the mass has ended, the competition begins. It started with the modern dance competition. Every institute has more than 30 representatives and will groove with modern day steps and music. Students will be able to showcase their dancing talents.
Courtesy of Papyrus |
Also, the English Department, headed by Ms. Jovelyn Cantrell (English Coordinator), has organized their activity called “The Parade of Literary Characters”. Forty one sections from first year to third year and from different institutes participated in the said activity. The participants dressed up and prepared a five- minute skit to portray their chosen character.
Aside from the activities, there are booths organized by the Recognized Student Organizations (RSO). The booths include Marriage booth, Massage Booth, Ice cream Booth, Dedication Booth, Kwarto Trese (Horror Booth) and Cinema Booth. Students can enjoy theses booths by paying the entrance fee of the corresponding payment needed. Bayanihan: All for one, one for all ends is the last activity for the first day.
The second day of the foundation focuses mainly on sports such as Basketball, Volleyball, Beach Volleyball, Table Tennis, Badminton
and Chess. These kinds of activities exhibit the sportsmanship of the students.
But second day doesn’t end with the sports because activities such as MQC Whiz, Dance Duo, Fact or Bluff, MQC Idol and Battle of the bands gives way for the students to show their wit, intelligence and hidden talents.
The third day is the most awaited day. Finals on every sport will be through and winners will be announced.
Everyone is nervous as they wait for the result of the over-all winner. The host then announced that color Yellow (Young Entrepreneurs Society) dominates the three-day Founding Anniversary.
The 13th foundation day ends with the Students’ night where students can party and socialize with each other.